A year ago we took our Hugo (Néreus Hare and Hounds) to his first exhibition (not yet competing).
A lot of things happened that year, we made a lot of friends and discovered a new world for us. We also added another dog to our team, Freddy (Piccolino from Negraland).
Even after a year, we still think that for us the most beautiful show was Club show of Beagle Breeders Club of Slovakia in Bobrovnik in May 2024 with great judge Lenka Frncova.
One of the key shows was IHA Salzburg in August 2024 with judge Darko Drobniak (RS), where Hugo competed in junior class for the first time and proved to be a great cunning 🙂 (in 9 months and 2 days he beat the reigning world junior winner by half a year older). (v 9 měsících a 2 dnech s přehledem porazil úřadujícího o půl roku staršího světového juniorského vítěze).
It was a wonderful experience to participate in the European Dog Show in Celje in October 2024 with judge Ann Ingram (IRL), where we were very much helped by TDH Team.
We also have very fond memories of our start at the Danube CACIB in Bratislava in October 2024 with judge Iveta Vojtekova (SK).
And the icing on the cake was The Regional Halloween Show in Provodovice - Kelč, once again with judge Lenka Frncova..
And the December participation at at the shows in Wels (CACIB and CAC) in "men's only composition" with the support of Alexa Matelová from TDH Team on the spot and the completion of the Austrian Junior Champion deserves attention.
But we also like to remember other experiences and judges where we may not have gotten the best score, but their attitude in the ring was absolutely amazing.
And so a bit of statistics comes in handy
- We have planned a total of 30 starts in 3 show classes.
- In the end, Hugo showed up 28 times (unfortunately, illness prevented him from starting twice).
- We met 25 different judges from 10 countries..
- We visited 6 different countries – besides our country, Slovakia, Austria, Poland, Germany and Slovenia.
- He started 3 times in minor puppy class, always with rating VN1 and won Club Show Winner of Minor Puppy Class in Slovakia.
- He started 4x in puppy class, always with rating VN1 and got Club Show Winner of Puppy Class in the Czech Republic..
- He started 21x in junior class and obtained:
- Junior Champion of Slovakia
- Junior Champion of Austria
- Winner of the specialty show – junior dog (SK)
- Winner of junior class and Winner of JBIG FCI VI. (regional show)
- 6x BOJ
- 5x CACIB-J
- 8x CAJC
- 1x Exc. from European Dog Show
- 9x Exc. 1
- 3x Exc. 2
- 1x Exc 3.
- 1x Exc 4.
- and also 5x Very good and once not assessed
We still have a month to go in the junior class so we are training hard. Thanks a lot for the training and occasional handling TDH Team & Academy, for handling our junior handler Melca Rulcova and for valuable advice to more experienced friends.
We are looking forward to meeting our friends at other shows and of course to meet new and already known judges.
And since we don't have a photo from the last show, which we couldn't attend, one photo in show stance from training at TDH Academy.